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June 12, 2019

Stakeholders Meeting (सरोकारवालाहरूको भेला )

Before starting the language development work in the language community different kinds of language issues have to be discussed well among the community people. A Stakeholders Meeting is the first step of language development works to develop the atmosphere of informed consent on the issue of LEAD (Language Education And Development) work for the respective language community in the presence of the major representatives. Language issues have never been singular and insular. The greater the fraternity developed the better the language issues are addressed. The process of LEAD work is explained here with the community representative. This is a kind of informed consent matter for community work. The program introduction, purpose, and process of the program are informed. Challenges, importance, and practical parts of the programs are discussed in this meeting.

Following stakeholders’ meetings were done during this FY.

Nachhiring initial Stakeholders’ Meeting

MTCN Director Sushil Subba had a meeting with Nachhiring community leader and introduced about MTCN work and plan to work in Nachhiring language. The next stakeholders’ meeting will happen in cooperation with Nachhiring community organization.

Stakeholders’ Meeting (Nachhiring, Chhintang, Chhiling, Puma

18 people from these 4 different language groups gathered at Inaruwa who came Dhankutta, Udaypur and Khotang. The interest of the Community towards the language development shared and The MTCN plan are introduced to them and immediately they got ready for language documentation.


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