In previous quarter 2 Danuwar glossers from Dudhouli, Sindhuli were appointed by an Ethnic organization called Danuwar Jaagaran Samittee and had entered words in Flex.
In previous quarter 2 Danuwar glossers from Dudhouli, Sindhuli were appointed by an Ethnic organization called Danuwar Jaagaran Samittee and had entered words in Flex.
Maikoti Kham Glossary entries have reach up close to 4000. Till now 3,504 words been collected. When it is 4000 or more, we will start editing.
Kathariya Tharu glossary work is going well. So far Rajendra Kathariya and Suraj Kathariya who are working on Kathariya glossary have already been collected more than 4,547 words.
Kathariya Tharu glossary work is going well. So far Rajendra Kathariya and Suraj Kathariya who are working for Kathariya glossary have already been collected more than 4,547 words.
Chhathare Limbu language documentation 3 hours data which were collected in previous quarter have just been edited/processed by 3 community language speakers came from Dharan, Sunsari sent by Chhathare Samaaj, (an ethnic language committee) in 14 days. During these days, rough data from the field areas were segmented, re-recorded, transcribed into Nepali language and typed them in Chhathare Limbu in Devanagari script.
In the initial stage, MTCN worked for the development of the resources for mother tongues in Nepal, which we called the Mother Tongue Resource Center (MTRC).
Guide for Planning the Future of your Language (GPFL) is a tool for the language communities for the planning of their language development activities.
Having a dictionary in a language community shows the language has been stored in a document with certain rules of arrangement.
Orthography Development is a program for developing a writing guide for language users when they begin to write an article or any material in their language.
Language documentation project has helped the minority language communities by recording the available utterances in audio-video format so that these materials can be used.
A Stakeholders Meeting leads to language development works to develop the atmosphere of informed consent on the issue of LEAD work for the respective language community.